Share videos and pictures!

How about we share our gems of videos and pictures ? Would be very nice if you would post links to pictures or videos of our magazine or newspaper fetish! LETS DO IT !

Next Playboy magazine

There is next my favourite Playboy. I really love this magazine because its really glossy and i love play with them. So enjoy it!!


Hey MF! Does Admin or anyone know how to access the Media Library? (Screen shot of what I see attached) I can get to it but can’t save the photos unless I select al the ones I want to save, create a post then save them all (then delete that post) but this takes ages! […]


I saw that there werent long time some post. So i added some new photos. Enjoy it!    

Few thoughts about Vogue Poland

Many people waited many years for polish Vogue. And we finally have it. It was also good message for me. First issue First cover. Piece of shit. For me cover is very important. And that issue don’t makes me horny. Second. As far the best cover. And i thought about buying it but, not for […]