I love days like these. Wifey went shopping after dinner. Texted me asking if I needed anything. Listed off some sensible things. Requested 10,000 more magazines.
‘But you already have a million’
Fair enough.
She comes home and tosses this issue on my lap, tells me not to cum on it because she wants to eventually read it.
I also love Bazaar magazines so glossy and fem.
How could you hold and not cum on that cover? I got an erection just by looking at your pictures. GOD what a sexy cover!
I know, right?? Its a super hot portrait.
I don’t care for the newsstand cover of this issue unfortunately but LOVE the subscriber cover! Gonna have to find it on ebay!
How does the subscriber cover look like?
This is the subscriber cover: https://twitter.com/_MagazineCovers/status/1191723372406853632/photo/1
Well, In my opinion, I actually liked the newstand cover better than the sub. Just because you see her make-up and she looking at you.
But luckily they have 2 for every ones taste.
You have a good wife for doing that, a keeper for sure.
I entirely agree!
I just read the text in the post instead of just looking at the pictures! Holy shit, what a great wife you have! My wife knows about my magazine collection but won’t actively buy them for me or encourage it.
I just had a session with it last night OMG
Great post – thanks for sharing!
Wish I had a girlfriend who did this and was super cool with my magazine fetish
Or even joined in with the fun in what ever way she enjoyed (that’s why I hope too have a girlfriend that likes women just as much as I like women too)