Anyone have this? or could buy and sent it? can find it on eBay, but 45$ shipping :O
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For all women's magazines lovers (June 2023: Maintenance Mode)
Anyone have this? or could buy and sent it? can find it on eBay, but 45$ shipping :O
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Theyre off the shelves where I am now. Where are you located?
Lol forgot to mention that I have an extra copy. Where are you located? Ill price out shipping
That would be perfekt!, Denmark π
If you have some money to spend, I would suggest you to buy the Japanese version.γ¨γ«γ»γΈγ£γγ³-2018εΉ΄-γγΈγ°γ’γ«γΉγ«γΌγγγγ°δ»ι²δ»γηΉε₯η/dp/4065133556/ref=mp_s_a_1_14?__mk_ja_JP=γ«γΏγ«γ&qid=1543322614&sr=8-14&pi=AC_SX236_SY340_QL65&keywords=elle#immersive-view_1543322626371
As for most Japanese magazines, they have the most amazing glossy paper ever.