I’d like sell lof of magazines from Hungary. Vogue, Harpers Bazaar, LOVE, Fashion, Elle magazines. Spain, Germany, USA, Hungary, France Issues. Please write a message, if you would like to buy. I have lof of hungarian Cosmopolitan, Elle, Maria Calire and Playboy magazines. 3 $/ magazines. Shipment is circa 7 $/mag everywhere from Hungary.( 2 kg – 20$).
Magyaroknak nyílván a belföldi automatás megoldást javaslom. Írjatok üzenetet, ha tetszik valamelyik. Rengeteg van még.

Oh, Nice sales! I can recommend the issue with Twigs, I have sprayed my cum soooo many times to that issue.
Hi, you go through ebay to see the different magazines you own
please, shows us all the mag covers you have
I’d like to take a look at your collection, I really like the look of that taylor swift one
Tried messaging you, but seems I’m unable to send you any messages. Could you send me a dm? Thanks!
I am also interested, dm?