Don’t know what anyone else thinks. But from recent months i would say the UK editions of our favourite magazines are becoming su standard. Look at the May editions just out alone, Elle a turnoff the new Glamours, come on i’mm all for recycling and stuff but really? Who wants to rub their cock on sandpaper. And the new Vogue editor, yeah don’t mind some black or ethnic woman but the may edition has been shot in th Calais jungle by the looks of it. Cosmopolitan uk ok don’t mind it being just over 100 pages but £2 now is a bit steep. In fact i’ve not sen a 400+ editon of anyting for a couple of years now. Bazaar uk. The covers are a bit too downtown abbey out in the country. Bit of a grumble but i can see myself seeking out more french or other countries editions now.
Just wondered if anyone else thoguth the same.. The hello editons with Kate and Megan plus the monthly fashions Hellos seem to be the best ones in the UK market at the moment.
Magazines might be going downhill but printing companies are going to stay afloat for a long time. Outsource your fetish.
I agree completely. UK magazines are really poor lately and masses of titles have gone to the wall. I also agree that ok and hello are among the best now but even they can be hit and miss with those covers.
Same in the U.S. – Alot of magazines have gone under all together and the ones that are left can barely put an issue together(many have gone bi-monthly) .. I guess it because everybody(whos not into splooging all over them and smelling them hehehe) is reading the online versions. I admit I have the “Next Issue” app so I can screen the ones I want to buy now. But I gotta have my mags!!
Seems like it’s a common problem.
In France it’s the same. The quality of paper is degrading more and more… But it’s not the only point, the size of the magazine are reducing as well !
I predict that some titles will dissapear in the newstands, to be 100% digital.
My advice: keep as much as you can the old issues you have.
WEll i’m in the middle of mving house, so i’ve had to be a bit like like Fagan in Oliver when they need t abandon ship. But i’ll get what i need in a while from ebay…
It’s a thing world wide. Don’t get me wrong, I support diversity and feminism but now I see less and less magazines with good covers and content. Thank goodness that I still keep several copies of vogue, Harper’s Bazaar, Cosmo, etc from years ago and better times 🙂
In the particular case of UK mags, just look some old covers of Vogue or HB with Jennifer Lawrence, Suki, Cara and Georgia, Rosie and so on…
I agree, but maybe a little upmarket – TATLER have had some great covers lately!
Yes i’ve gone more upmarket lately. Got the Markle Tatler. Also funny how last months mags the best ones where of a 50 yr ols Kylie on RED and a 70 yr old Helen Mirren on Woman and Home. This months are all fuck -a-ble though.
I could not agree more with you , everything you have said I bang on, I thought it was just me who was sick of all the black models on vogue and the horrible paper pages on glamour and cosmopolitan, compared to what it was like a few years ago xx