575236DC-8D5D-4BB9-91BB-DBE253C47C03 CE04A5C6-4848-436D-970C-54FFCAD8813B 1EDC9D6F-3FF1-438A-9B10-11C929911776 EA491FFB-3E01-434E-86C0-4B82BB685DACB105FD35-E974-461A-91A2-5B436174B313 FCF716EA-F1B6-4AAF-85A8-5342B9A3A9F6 C83DE6DD-CB0F-45BB-AAAD-61546B6B71F2 17B53531-CCFF-4F69-B15C-6B3920E4DBB4 4D262418-B427-4924-87F6-FBB2CB3F018C DCF7D02F-2FE7-4E04-A0D8-4899A6994771


I nearly went blind as a teenager wanking over more!

11 Responses

  1. I’m a huge more! Fan. I have a large collection myself, they’ve helped shaped me into the slut I am today. Don’t suppose you have the millennium edition? The more! Logo is sparkly silver.

        1. That millennium copy was my first more! Magazine. New years day 2000 I woke up in my friend’s spare room and under the bed there was the more! copy that his sister’s German exchange student left behind… best of all it was folded open on the erotic story pages. That was the quickest wank I’ve ever had.
          I tucked the magazine under my shirt and into the boxers elastic. The magazine felt amazing on my skin.
          I’ve been searching for that edition since….19 fudging years I’ve been hunting!!
          Your collection is amazing, would truly love to visit them.

          1. Of course I tucked the magazine under my shirt to take home, walked home with my childhood crush, felt filthy having that the magazine she also read on me and I was going to take it home.
            All my female friends read more! at the time but felt like a massive taboo to read them… finally I had my own copy!!! It all started then, hasn’t stopped.
            2014 was sad year for me… RIP more!

          2. Would love to meet you and fuck some mags together and I’d love to lick you load off my more collection

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