i was wondering who else in this group has a fetish for that he/she is turned into a magazine or falls into a printing press and is printed into a magazine and then someone reads and abuses you and that person owns you

12 Responses

  1. As you know, I have this fantasy. I have had it since I was very young. I like the idea of objectification (to be used as an object and owned). Ideally, my owner would buy me, take me home, read me, and share me with all her friends, and maybe I will end up in a ladies hairdressers to be just a magazine to be read while they are waiting to have their hair done. Maybe, to be read by 30 women per day ! Afterwards, she can dispose of me in either recycling or a garbage truck. Who is the beautiful blond girl reading Linda Magazine ?

  2. When I did a poll of readers on Gromet’s Plaza that like transformation stories, there were only three more of us. The other was Andy.

    I wish I worked for your wife. Send me a personal message if it is one of three ladies whose identities you have told me about. (Better not reveal her name here.)

    1. no those girls are not models but my wife’s secretaries

      this model was to the LINDA. to make it more attractive among young people because sales figures went down and because she is a well-known model in the Netherlands, she attracts a lot of young women (it also worked because she had 20% more sales because of it

    2. That was me! I loved your stories! And I loved the one you wrote about my wife and Rebecca.
      I’d give anything to be a beautiful woman’s magazine, ideally one that had been left at a hairdressers.
      Even being thrown away would be amazing!!

  3. I did used to have this fantasy as a kid. I fantasized about being a magazine and a woman reading me and then tossing me in the recycling center dumpster where I’d be buried in other magazines. I hadn’t really thought about being turned into a magazine in a long time, but the “buried in magazines” portion of that fantasy definitely stuck with me! I love covering myself in magazines and masturbating with them!

      1. Not gonna lie, it was exciting remembering that fantasy, and I still kinda like it. But honestly the buried in magazines thing was the biggest piece that I was into. So I think that’s why I just kinda gravitated to that and forgot about the being a magazine one.

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