Magazines with “textured” pages?

I picked up 3 CLEO magazines this morning, all of them the same issue. Bought it at a used books store. It’s an old issue, 2012. Was an impulse buy to be honest, the cover is quite decent. One weird thing about those magazines that I just noticed is, the paper have some kind of […]

My weird fascination with ruined newspapers (a history)

Hi all, it’s a good Sunday night right now, with the drizzling rain, and I thought I’d write a bit more about my history with newspapers, and maybe if any of you could somehow relate with it (not the newspaper part, but other parts of the story). I’ll try to make this one shorter as […]

Magazine Tier List (my version)

Hello everyone. Haven’t logged in for awhile. I’m currently waiting at a train station and have some time to kill. Inspired by some “Tier List” videos I’ve been watching, I decided to write one with magazines! Some things to note, to be frank, I’m not very seasoned with magazines. I’m more of a newspaper guy, […]

The Story of My Life

I really don’t have much to do today, so I decided to go ahead and write my own version of the “where it all began” posts. I’ve always wanted to write this sort of posts for a very long time. I do have a somewhat ‘colorful’ history, subjectively of course, so I guess maybe I […]

Long time lurker decided to sign up, hi

Hello everyone, long time lurker here decided to finally sign up for an account. just want to drop in and say hi. I first found out about this site when there was still only 30-ish pages worth of posts. There’s about 84 pages now, so yeah quite a long time ago. Never really bothered to […]